From sensor readings to figuring out a way to enter the strange spacial anomaly, the science department is responsible for recording data, testing new ideas out, and making discoveries.
Chief Science Officer | The Chief Science Officer is responsible for all the scientific data the ship/facility collects, and the distribution of such data to specific section within the department for analysis. S/he is also responsible with providing the ship’s captain with scientific information needed for command decisions.
S/he also is a department head and a member of the Senior Staff and responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters. |
Assistant Chief Science Officer | The Assistant Chief Science Officer assists Chief Science Officer in all areas, such as administration, and analysis of scientific data. The Assistant often take part in specific analysis of important data along with the Chief Science Officer, however spends most time overseeing current project and their section heads. | |
Science Officer | There are several general Science Officers aboard each vessel. They are assigned to their duties by the Chief Science Officer and his Assistant. Assignments include work for the Specialized Section heads, as well as duties for work being carried out by the Chief and Assistant. | |
Astrometrics Officer | Specialized Science Officer in charge of the Astrometrics Section. This role entails the maintaining, correction and production of new stellar maps. Has close ties with the the Physicist and Stellar Cartographers. | |
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist | Specialized Science Officer in charge of the Alien Culture Section. This role involves the study of all newly discovered alien species and life forms, from the long dead to thriving. There knowledge also involves current known alien species. Has close ties to the Historian.
Answers to the Chief Science Officer and Assistant Chief Science Officer. |
Biologist | Specialized Science Officer in charge of the Biology Section. This role entails the study of biology, botany, zoology and many more Life Sciences. On larger ships there many be a number of Science Officers within this section, under the lead of the Biologist. | |
Language Specialist | Specialized Communications Officer in charge of the Linguistics section. This role involves the study of new and old languages and text in an attempt to better understand and interpret their meaning.
Answers to the Chief and Assistant Chief Communications Officer (if present) or the Chief and Assistant Chief Science Officer. |
Stellar Cartographer | Specialized Science Officer in charge of the Stellar Cartography bay. This role entails the mapping of all spatial phenomenon, and the implications of such phenomenon. Has close ties with the Physicist and Astrometrics Officer. |