Merging the responsibilities of ship-to-ship and personnel combat into a single department, the security & tactical department is responsible for the tactical readiness of the vessel and the security of the ship.
Chief Security/Tactical Officer | The Chief Security Officer is called Chief of Security. Her/his duty is to ensure the safety of ship and crew. Some take it as their personal duty to protect the Commanding Officer/Executive Officer on away teams. She/he is also responsible for people under arrest and the safety of guests, liked or not. S/he also is a department head and a member of the senior staff, responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters. Security could be called the 24th century police force.
The Chief of Security role can also be combined with the Chief Tactical Officer position. |
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer | The Assistant Chief Security Officer is sometimes called Deputy of Security. S/he assists the Chief of Security in the daily work; in issues regarding Security and any administrative matters. If required the Deputy must be able to take command of the Security department. | |
Security Officer | There are several Security Officers aboard each vessel. They are assigned to their duties by the Chief of Security and his/her Deputy and mostly guard sensitive areas, protect people, patrol, and handle other threats to the Federation. | |
Tactical Officer | The Tactical Officers are the vessels gunmen. They assist the Chief Tactical Officer by running and maintaining the numerous weapons systems aboard the ship/starbase, and analysis and tactical planning of current missions. Very often Tactical Officers are also trained in ground combat and small unit tactics. | |
Security Investigations Officer | The Security Investigations Officer is an Enlisted Officer. S/He fulfills the role of a special investigator or detective when dealing with STARFLEET matters aboard ship or on a planet. Coordinates with the Chief Security Officer on all investigations as needed. The Security Investigations Officer reports to the Chief of Security. | |
Brig Officer | The Brig Officer is a Security Officer who has chosen to specialize in a specific role. S/he guards the brig and its cells. But there are other duties associated with this post as well. S/he is responsible for any prisoner transport, and the questioning of prisoners. Often Brig Officers have a good knowledge of force-field technology, and are experts in escaping such confinements. | |
Master-at-Arms | The Master-at-Arms trains and supervises Security crewmen in departmental operations, repairs, and protocols; maintains duty assignments for all Security personnel; supervises weapons locker access and firearm deployment; and is qualified to temporarily act as Chief of Security if so ordered. The Master-at-Arms reports to the Chief of Security. |